My Projects
A collection of personal and collaborative projects across various technologies
Wordle 2
Web DevelopmentNext.js, Tailwind.css
Timely Tome
IoTRasberry Pi, eInk, Python, Next.js
Doomsday Algorithm
Web DevelopmentNext.js, Tailwind.css
Cyber Tutor
AIPython, Langchain, Next.js, Firebase...
Image Encryptor
SecurityPython, Numpy, PyQt5, Pillow
What Digit
AINext.js, Tensorflow (tfjs)
Yusuf's Portfolio
Web DevelopmentNext.js, Tailwind.css, Framer Motion
Go Chess Go
GameGolang, Gin
Serenity Now
AIPython, Gradio, GPT-3.5
Green Switch
MobileReact Native, Flask, SQLite
Web DevelopmentPython, Django, SQLite
Country Scraper
DataPython, BS4, Requests
IR Music Player
IoTC, Arduino